About BJ
Conferences and lectures
Autre émoi
Corée Petit Futé
Critique 848-849
Croquis de Corée
De-bordering Korea
Face and Imagination
Magasin aux 100 fleurs
Sketches of Korea
Two Frenchmen 두 남자
Urbanités coréennes
Cocktail Sugar
Les Descendants
Dictionnaire KLTI
L'Ombre du vide
Trois jours en automne
By Titles
Materials complementing my articles
Materials for students
Database NK Films
Press Book
Materials for the students
학생을 위한 자료
France and French people
Useful Websites
Gallica: official site of National Library, texts and videos online
**INA (Institut national de l'audiovisuel): television archives
Arts & Culture
Urban culture: contemporary arts and culture
TV5 Monde
***Naver French Cast
Célèbre: all about French celebrities
Hérodote: all about history
Lieux de mémoire (guerre): historical war landmarks
Institutions and Politics
Europa: official site of EU
Wikipedia portail Politique: French politics portal on Wikipedia
Language, dictionary and encyclopedia
Langue française et langues de France: French language(s)
Larousse: online encyclopedia
Lexilogos: portal of online dictionaries and encyclopedias
Organisation internationale de la francophonie: Francophony official site
Radios francphones: French langage radios online
La Francophonie (한국어)
Academie française
: French literature
Bande dessinée.org: French cartoon
Gallica: official site of National Library, texts and videos online
Littérature audio: audio literature
Patrimoine littéraires: writers houses and literary heritage
Le République des Lettres: French literature
Musée d'Orsay
Musée du Louvre
France in Korea
French Institute in South Korea (한국어)
: Agence France Presse (News agency)
Presse en ligne: links to French medias online
TV5 Monde
**INED (Institut national d'études démographiques): National institute of demographic studies
INSEE (Institut national des statistiques et des études économiques): Statistics and economical studies
Ministère du travail: ministery of employment
Musée de l'histoire de l'immigration: museum of immigration
Observatoire des inégalités: social inegalities
Vie publique: about public sphere issues
Special themes
Labyrinths of cathedrals
Mai 68
Megaliths of Bretagne
To be 20 years old
Clichés: a short animation on clichés about France
Stereotypes on France in advertisements
Sterotypes on Korea and Koreans (foreigner's point of view)
Stereotypes on Korea, Korea Trade poll (October 2013)
한국’ 하면 떠오르는 것
? 3
위 전쟁
, 2
위 삼성
, 1
(Donga Ilbo, 2014.07.25)
Tourism - regions
Alsace on Youtube
Auvergne on Youtube
Château de Versailles official site
Côte d'Or
on Youtube
France voyage: tourism
Mont-Saint-Michel on Youtube
Les Outre-mer: French territories abroad
PACA Region
on Youtube
Parc national de la Vanoise: regional park in the Alps
Pays basque
Rendez-vous en France: official site for tourism in France
Rhône-Alpes Region
Tahiti on Youtube
Vie quotidienne: everyday life; tips about traveling and living in France
TV channels
TV5 Monde
***Naver French Cast