Conferences & lectures
List until 2014, to be completed. See CV for recent publications.
- Yi Sang, présentation de la vie et de l’œuvre (Yi Sang, work and life), presentation to the mini-symposium of LEC (Laboratoire Etudes Coréennes), Seoul, 8th July 2003.
- Some remarks on Korean cultural representations after the writing of a guide book on Korea, presentation at the international conference “Korean Culture in the era of Pluri-culturism”, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, 5th November 2003.
- La Gironde, présentation du département et de sa culture (Gironde pronvince and its culture),presentation at the Baeje University, Daejeon, South Korea, May 2005.
- L’esprit du lieu : la cuisine française et les endroits où elle est dégustée (The Spirit of the Place : French Cusine and the places where it is enjoyed ), presentation in French but published in English in the proceedings, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, November 2004.
- L’invention du gohyang (Invention of the gohyang, or the landscape in colonial Korean poetry), paper presented during the conference « Poésie et Paysage » organized at Kookmin University, Seoul, by CACF and CCF, May 2007.
- Géographie culturelle du vin en France (Cultural Geography of Wine in France), lecture at Hankuk University of Foreign Languages, 28th November 2007.
- Imaginary and Face, communication at the international conference « Imagination is National Competitivity », TIF, Yonsei University, Seoul, November 2008.
- The Autistic Interface, The Image of the Other in North and South Korean Cinemas, paper presented to the international conference “Interfaces Nord-Sud”, organised by CNRS & EHESS, Paris, December 17-19 2008.
- Sel de Guérande : a modelling tool for the valorisation of sea salt in Korea ?, intervention during the “Sea Salt Forum”, Korean National Assembly, 26th March 2010, in collaboration with Delphine Marie-Vivien, (CIRAD).
- The Autistic Interface, The Image of the Other in South Korean Cinema, in Transbordering the Self (proceedings), communication at the Flying University of Transnational Humanities (FUTH), Seoul, 25-29 June 2011.
- Namkwa puk : the Image of the Other in North and South Korean cinema, 1945-1997, in Korean Studies in Shift, Proceedings of the 2010 PACKS (Pacific Asian Conference of Korean Studies, November 2010), Changzoo Song éd., Auckland, New Zealand, August 2011.
- For a Criticism of Communication : presentation at the TEDx HUFS (Hanguk University of Foreign Studies) “CommuMEcation”, in English, 03 September 2011 (not published).
- Lecture anthropologique de l'imaginaire du visage (Anthropological reading of the imaginary of the face), in Le Visage (The Face - proceedings), Fall Conference of the CFAF, Seoul, 5th November 2011. Only French version here.
- Minhwa, peinture anonyme populaire de Corée (Minhwa, popular anonymous paintings of Korea), lecture for CFC, French Institute of Korea, 21st February 2013.
- La femme dans la littérature coréenne (Women Images in Korean Literature), at Centre Culturel Coréen, Paris, 27th March 2013. And round-table around La littérature féminine de Corée du Sud : modernité(s) et changement social, BULAC (bibliothèque universitaire des langues et civilisations), Paris, 4th April 2013. Also presented in French Institute, Seoul, May 14th 2013.
- Welcome to... Korea? L'image de l'autre dans le cinéma sud-coréen de la Sunshine Policy (1998-2008) (Image of the Other in South Korean cinema during the Sunshine Policy Era), seminar "cinéma coréen" of the Centre de Recherche sur la Corée, EHESS, Maison de l'Asie, 5th April 2013. Also presented at the University of la Rochelle, ACSC, 28th March 2013.
- Taste and Terroir, a comparative study France-Korea. Food products, taste and geographical indications. Korean Rural Development Administration workshop, Sookmyung University, June 26th 2013.
- Patrimoines, hauts lieux et lieux de mémoire dans les régimes de visibilité de Pyongyang (Cultural heritage, landmarks and lieux de mémoire in the regimes of visibility of Pyongyang) at the international conference "Capitals of the Korean World', Paris, EHESS, 12-13 September 2013.
- “Food Product of Origin Systems, Europe/Korea Comparison” presentation,『291st Culture and Law Forum』, Seoul National University, 8th December 2014.
- “Regimes of visibility in Pyongyang”, Kyujanggak colloquium series, Seoul National University, Seoul, 10th December 2014.