Le numéro spécial de « Questions internationales » dédié aux deux Corées est disponible à partir d’aujourd’hui. J’y ai participé avec un article sur le soft-power sud-coréen.
Presentation on Korean manhwa (comics) as a new platform for societal problems at WAHS (World Association of Hallyu Studies), Friday 21/10/2022, in Seoul.
On Yonhap. ![]() I am teaching this summer at the International Summer School of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (Seoul, Korea), an exchange program in Korean Studies. The topic is "Korean Food Culture and Globalization". We had today as a guest speaker Choi Jia, Ph.D., who made a presentation about Culinary tourism in Korea. Tomorrow a field trip to a Buddhist temple food restaurant, following last week field trip to Tongin Market. Syllabus here. ![]() Two of my articles (in French) are published in the newest issue of "Outre-terre" journal (n°39) : - about the globalization of Korean food ("Une vague de kimch’i : l’alimentation coréenne face à la mondialisation") - about the image of the Other in South-Korean cinema (1998-2008) ("L'imaginaire de l'Autre dans le cinéma sud-coréen, 1998-2008"). Please find the summary below: Lecture "Taste and Terroir, a comparative study France-Korea. Food products, taste and geographical indications." for the Korean Rural Development Administration workshop, Sookmyung University, June 26th. ![]() I was invited to the signature of the MoU for the activation of Korean food tourism between the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Agriculture in the presence of the two ministers (on the picture) and many specialists and holders of tradition from the provinces. We had a very interesting lunch at Rakgoje, sharing perspectives and concerns about the globalization of Korean food, especially in the aspect of the development of a policy of the "product" and the protection of terroir. Regards sur la Corée
À l'occasion des 20 ans de l'Université de La Rochelle, l'Association Culturelle et Sportive Corée investit le hall de la Faculté des Langues, Lettres, Arts et Sciences Humaines, le jeudi 28 mars 2013 de 10h à 19h pour sensibiliser le public à la culture coréenne. Au programme pour petits et grands : conférence, exposition photos, dégustation de nourriture coréenne, ateliers découverte (initiation au coréen et à des jeux culturels) et enfin pour clôturer la journée, la diffusion du film "Secret Reunion (interdit aux - de 12 ans)". Conférence de Benjamin Joinau sur le cinéma sud-coréen à l'ère de la Sunshine Policy (1998-2008) de 14h30 à 16h. Entrée gratuite. Renseignements : [email protected] - 0669555595 (Thai Nguyen). |
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