If you are interested in this paper, here is the link for free copies:
I am glad to inform you that I have recently published an article on "Cultural Governance and New Forms of Governmentality, Focus on the South Korean Case" in the "Journal of Arts, Management, Law and Society" (Routledge).
If you are interested in this paper, here is the link for free copies: https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/KVKMU348UNECCQTJBRIC/full?target=10.1080/10632921.2023.2280646 J’ai répondu à une interview de « Télérama » sur le film « About Kim So-hee », témoignage déchirant sur le harcèlement moral et l’exploitation en entreprise en Corée, basé sur un fait réel.
Fieldwork in North Korea: A Challenging but Necessary Scientific Field
I have published recently on "38thNorth" a series of 2 articles about the scientific fieldwork in North Korea (with Valérie Gelézeau). https://www.38north.org/2023/10/fieldwork-in-north-korea-a-challenging-but-necessary-scientific-field-part-1/ https://www.38north.org/2023/10/fieldwork-in-north-korea-a-challenging-but-necessary-scientific-field-part-2/ J'ai eu l'immense honneur et plaisir de recevoir jeudi 22 juin dernier à l'ambassade de France en Corée du Sud la médaille de Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et Lettres. Ce fut l'occasion de faire un bilan de 29 années d'activités culturelles et académiques diverses à Séoul et de célébrer cela avec amis, famille et collaborateurs – tous ceux qui m’ont permis de réaliser ces multiples projets.
I had the great honor and pleasure of receiving the Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et Lettres medal (Knight of the French Order of Arts and Letters) at the Embassy of France in South Korea on Thursday, June 22. It was an opportunity to reflect on 29 years of diverse cultural and academic activities in Seoul and to celebrate this journey with my friends, family, and collaborators - all those who allowed me to carry out these multiple projects. 저는 지난 6월 22일(목요일) 주한 프랑스 대사관에서 문화예술 공로훈장 슈발리에(기사 騎士)장을 수훈한 것을 큰 영광이자 기쁨으로 생각합니다. 이번 훈장 수훈은 지난 29년간 제가 서울에서 이룬 다양한 문화와 학술적 업적의 수행을 가능하게 해준 나의 친구들, 가족들, 조력자들을 되돌아볼 수 있었던 기회가 되었습니다. Une nouvelle recension de "Faire du terrain en Corée du Nord", de V. Gelézeau et B. Joinau, dans la revue Géocarrefour.
André Buisson, « Valérie Gelézeau, Benjamin Joinau (dir.), Faire du terrain en Corée du Nord. Ecrire autrement les sciences sociales », Géocarrefour [En ligne], Comptes rendus inédits, mis en ligne le 03 mai 2023, URL : http://journals.openedition.org/geocarrefour/21545 La revue Esprit a publié dans son numéro de janvier-février 2023 un article que j'ai écrit analysant la tragédie d'Itaewon à travers un prisme anthropologique.
I have recently published in the Journal of Culture Contents (문화콘텐츠연구, 26호, December 2022) an article featuring a critical analysis of the narratives produced by the Lego-style South Korean block toys of the Oxford brand (in English and free access here https://www.journalricc.org/articles/article/L88g/).Here is a lecture I have made for the Yeol (Korean Heritage Preservation Society) and the Seoul History Museum about Korean traditional alcohols.
"L'image absente : une lecture de 'l'Amant' de Marguerite Duras" |
Benjamin Joinau's
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